Ternary Alloys, Volume 22, Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications, 三元合金, 第22巻: 工業用耐火材料システム, 9783932120534, 978-3-932120-53-4

Ternary Alloys, Volume 22, Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications

学術書籍  >  理工学  >  材料工学  > 

Ternary Alloys, Volume 22, Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications



書名 Ternary Alloys, Volume 22, Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications
三元合金, 第22巻: 工業用耐火材料システム
Seifert, H.J. & Kumar K.C.H.
発行元 MSI (Materials Science International Services GmbH)
発行年/月 2024年5月
装丁 ハードカバー
ページ数 - ページ
ISBN 978-3-932120-53-4
海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 2-3週間以内に発送します



Volume 22 of Ternary Alloys combines critically evaluated phase diagrams and related information on 31 key ternary systems relevant to refractory ceramics, composites, and alloys. Such materials should be able to withstand high temperatures for extended durations. Furthermore, their phase stability and chemical composition should not undergo significant changes during service, which could adversely impact engineering and other properties. Their ability to resist oxidation, corrosion, and wear makes them the best choice for applications in extreme environments. Optimizing these properties requires knowledge of phase constitution under various conditions. It is envisaged that the information presented in this volume will be of interest to the scientific and engineering community, covering areas such as material development, processing, and finally, their applications in sectors such as aerospace, nuclear energy, chemical industry, lighting, etc. The presented results provide invaluable guidelines for refractory materials processing and design. They also serve as didactically fine examples for applying the fundamental rules of heterogeneous equilibria to rather complex ternary systems.The book series Ternary Alloys is the result of an international assessment program performed by MSIT - Materials Science International Team since 1984. The compendium is the most comprehensive source of reliable data on ternary systems available worldwide. 
The book series, as well as the MSI Eureka electronic platform, have been proven to be indispensable to everyone concerned with the research and development of materials, such as materials scientists and engineers, metallurgists, chemical engineers, inorganic chemists and physicists.

The system reports are arranged in the alphabetical order and have a standard format, allowing easy access to the required data. The following information is provided: liquidus projections, isothermal and vertical sections, quasibinary sections, reaction schemes, invariant equilibria, crystallographic data, thermodynamic data and materials properties, accompanied by short descriptive texts and extensive references.
