Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs, ミサイルとUAVにおける最適誘導とその応用, 9783030473471, 978-3-030-47347-1, 「次世代装備」

Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs

学術書籍  >  理工学  >  システム・制御工学  > 

Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs




Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs
著者・編者 He, S. et al.
発行元 Springer
発行年/月 2020年5月
装丁 Hardcover
ページ数/巻数 214ページ
ISBN 978-3-030-47347-1
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 3-5週間以内に発送します



This book presents a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in the domain of optimal guidance, exploring the characteristics of various optimal guidance algorithms and their pros and cons. Optimal guidance is based on the concept of trajectory optimization, which minimizes the meaningful performance index while satisfying certain terminal constraints, and by properly designing the cost function the guidance command can serve as a desired pattern for a variety of mission objectives. The book allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of how optimal guidance law can be utilized to achieve different mission objectives for missiles and UAVs, and also explores the physical meaning and working principle of different new optimal guidance laws. In practice, this information is important in ensuring confidence in the performance and reliability of the guidance law when implementing it in a real-world system, especially in aerospace engineering where reliability is the first priority.



- Front Matter
- Introduction of Optimal Guidance

Optimal Guidance in Missile Applications
- Optimal Error Dynamics in Missile Guidance
- Optimal Trajectory Shaping Guidance Law with Seeker’s Field-of-View Constraint
- Linear Observability-Enhancement Optimal Guidance Law
- Optimal Proportional-Integral Guidance Law
- Gravity-Turn-Assisted Optimal Guidance Law
- Gravity-Turn-Assisted Optimal Intercept Angle Guidance Law

Optimal Guidance in UAV Applications
- Minimum-Effort Waypoint-Following Guidance Law
- Energy-Optimal Waypoint-Following Guidance Law Considering Autopilot Dynamics
- Optimal Integrated Waypoint Following and Obstacle Avoidance Guidance Law