RF Electronics for Electronic Warfare, 電子戦用のRFエレクトロニクス, 9781630817053, 978-1-63081-705-3,「次世代装備」

RF Electronics for Electronic Warfare

学術書籍  >  理工学  >  電気電子工学  > 

RF Electronics for Electronic Warfare




RF Electronics for Electronic Warfare
著者・編者 Poisel, R.
発行元 Artech House
発行年/月 2019年9月
装丁 Hardcover
ページ数/巻数 600 ページ
ISBN 978-1-63081-705-3
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 3-5週間以内に発送します


This exciting new resource investigates the function of RF communication in electronic warfare systems. The book provides in-depth coverage of how RF signals must be constructed to perform jamming missions, which prevent a receiver from properly extracting a target signal. Technical descriptions of oscillators and modulators, which generate the RF signals, are presented and explored. Power supplies that generate adequate power for fueling high power amplifiers are also described and their operations investigated.

Oscillator basics, including principles of oscillator operation, phase locked loop synthesizers and direct digital synthesis are examined. Fundamentals of RF communications, including power supplies for RF power amplifiers, are included, making it useful for both novice and advanced practitioners. Written by a prominent expert in the field, this authoritative book is the first available that combines the topics of electronic warfare and oscillator design and analysis.