Wohlers Specialty Report on Construction: Building an Additive Construction Future, 建設事業に関わるウォーラーズ スペシャル レポート 建設用3Dプリンタの未来, 9781622049646, 978-1-62204-964-6

Wohlers Specialty Report on Construction: Building an Additive Construction Future (デジタル版)ISBN: 9781622049646

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Wohlers Specialty Report on Construction: Building an Additive Construction Future (デジタル版)ISBN: 9781622049646




Wohlers Specialty Report on Construction: Building an Additive Construction Future (デジタル版)
建設事業に関わるウォーラーズ スペシャル レポート 建設用3Dプリンタの未来
発行元 Wohlers Associates
発行年/月 2022年 
装丁 カラーデジタル版 / 1ユーザー(コピー&ペースト、紙への印刷不可)
ページ数 47 ページ
ISBN 978-1-62204-964-6
発送予定 4-7営業日以内に版元よりアクセスリンクが届きます
このレポートは、Wohlers Associates の専門家チームによって作成されました。Wohlers Report の作成チームと同じグループで、27 年間にわたって業界をリードする AM(積層造形) に関するレポートです。  


The construction sector is facing several challenges, amplified recently with the onset of the pandemic. Labor shortages, increased lead times, material availability, and increasing construction demand have the sector resorting to innovation to address these challenges. Increasingly, construction market players are turning to 3D printing technologies.

- What is 3D Printing for construction, also called Additive Construction?
- What does the adoption landscape look like?
- Who are the current market players?
- What materials are being used and explored?
- What are the challenges and how are they being addressed?

These questions and more are covered in this publication available in digital format.

The report was created by a team of experts at Wohlers Associates?the same group that produced Wohlers Report 2022, the undisputed, industry-leading report on AM for 27 years.



Part 1: Introduction and industry overview
- Additive construction
- The construction industry
- Challenges in the construction sector
- An AEC perspective
- Betting on AC

Part 2: AC market players
- Global market players by region
- Ownership structure of participating organizations
- Categories of market player
- Key players in AC

Part 3: Use cases and completed projects
- PERI Group
- Holcim
- Thinking Huts

Part 4: Additive opportunities in construction
- Complex structures
- Varied materials
- Spare parts
- Element optimization

Part 5: Obstacles and challenges
- Standards and codes
- Materials
- Cost

Part 6: Research and development
- Performance
- Sustainable materials

Part 7: The future
- Enhancing existing operations
- Investments in AC
- Printing hub solutions
- Space-based construction

Part 8: Where is it all headed?
- The need for AC
- Applications
- Platforms and limitations
- Predicting a path forward
- Final thoughts
