WRC BULLETIN 583: Development of General Formulas for Bolted Flanges

WRC BULLETIN 583: Development of General Formulas for Bolted Flanges

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WRC BULLETIN 583: Development of General Formulas for Bolted Flanges




WRC BULLETIN 583: Development of General Formulas for Bolted Flanges
WRC誌 583: ボルトフランジの一般計算式の開発
発行元 Welding Research Council, Inc.
発行年/月 2022年
装丁 ペーパー
ページ数 134 ページ
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 1-2週間以内に発送します



In 1935 Professor E.O. Waters and Messrs. D.B. Rossheim, D.B. Wesstrom and F.S.G. Williams undertook the work of studying all existing flange stress formulas and developing whatever was needed to bring into the subject of flange design rational analysis and accuracy over the practical range of application. The condensed result of this work appears in a paper entitled "Formulas for Stresses in Bolted Flanged Connections." This paper appears in the April 1937 "Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers" volume 59 No. 3, FSP-59-4.

The purpose of this report is to supplement the above-mentioned paper and to set forth in detail the step-by-step analysis from which the formulas were derived. This is made available for record purposes, for the information of those who wish to check the detailed developments and to provide the fundamental equations from which problems beyond the scope of the working charts can be solved.