WRC BULLETIN 598: Metallurgical Causes for the Occurrence of Creep Damage in Longitudinally Seam- Welded Cr-Mo High Energy Piping

WRC BULLETIN 598: Metallurgical Causes for the Occurrence of Creep Damage in Longitudinally Seam- Welded Cr-Mo High Energy Piping

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WRC BULLETIN 598: Metallurgical Causes for the Occurrence of Creep Damage in Longitudinally Seam- Welded Cr-Mo High Energy Piping




WRC BULLETIN 598: Metallurgical Causes for the Occurrence of Creep Damage in Longitudinally
Seam- Welded Cr-Mo High Energy Piping
WRC誌 598: Cr-Mo系高エネルギー配管の縦継手溶接部におけるクリープ損傷発生原因に関する研究
発行元 Welding Research Council, Inc.
発行年/月 2022年
装丁 ペーパー
ページ数 237 ページ
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 1-2週間以内に発送します



A continuous occurrence of catastrophic failures, leaks and cracks of the Cr-Mo steam piping has created widespread utility concern for the integrity and serviceability of the seam-welded piping systems in power plants across the USA. Cr-Mo steels are the materials widely used for elevated temperature service in fossil-fired generating stations. A large percentage of the power plant units with Cr-Mo seam-welded steam piping have been in operation for a long duration such that the critical components of the units have been employed beyond the design life (30 or 40 years). This percentage will increase even more significantly in the near future. There is a strong desire to extend operation and thus there is a need to assess the remaining life of these units. Therefore, understanding of the metallurgical causes for the failures and damage in the Cr-Mo seam-welded piping plays a major role in estimating possible life-extension and decision making on whether to operate, repair or replace.