NEMA規格 WC 57/ICEA S-73-532, 2021: Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables

NEMA規格 WC 57/ICEA S-73-532, 2021: Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables

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NEMA規格 WC 57/ICEA S-73-532, 2021: Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables




NEMA WC 57/ICEA S-73-532, 2021: Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables
NEMA規格 WC 57/ICEA S-73-532, 2021: 制御、熱電対延長、および計装ケーブルの標準化
発行元 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
発行年/月 2021年1月   
装丁 ペーパー
ページ数 93 ページ
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 1-2週間以内に発送します
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This standard applies to materials, construction, and testing of multiconductor control, thermocouple extension, and instrumentation cables rated up to and including 125°C. Control cables are multiconductor cables that convey electrical signals used for monitoring or controlling electrical power systems and their associated processes. Control cables convey signals between devices interfaced directly with the electrical power system, such as current transformers, potential transformers, relays, switches, and meters. Instrumentation cables and thermocouple extensions are multiconductor cables that convey lowenergy electrical signals (circuits that are inherently power limited) used for monitoring or controlling electrical power systems and their associated processes. Instrumentation cables and thermocouple extensions convey signals from process monitors to process analyzers (usually electronic equipment) and from the analyzers to control equipment in the electric power system. Construction details and test requirements for cables rated above 125°C can be found in the NEMA HP 100 series of standards.