Ternary Alloys, Volume 20: Selected Systems for Lead-free Soldering and Brazing Applications, 三元合金, 第20巻: 無鉛はんだ付けおよびろう付け用途向け選択的システム, 9783932120138, 978-3-932120-13-8

Ternary Alloys, Volume 20: Selected Systems for Lead-free Soldering and Brazing Applications

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Ternary Alloys, Volume 20: Selected Systems for Lead-free Soldering and Brazing Applications



書名 Ternary Alloys, Volume 20: Selected Systems for Lead-free Soldering and Brazing Applications
三元合金, 第20巻: 無鉛はんだ付けおよびろう付け用途向け選択的システム
Watson, A. & Kroupa, A.
発行元 MSI (Materials Science International Services GmbH)
発行年/月 2021年3月
装丁 ハードカバー
ページ数 554 ページ
ISBN 978-3-932120-13-8
海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 3-5週間以内に発送致します


Volume 20 contains critically evaluated phase diagram data for a total of 35 ternary materials' systems (chapters) related to the materials for lead-free soldering and brazing applications.
The importance of the ecological issues increases since late sixties of the previous century, and the use, handling and disposal of potentially harmful materials is one of the most important topics in the ecological agenda nowadays. Lead and lead containing materials are considered to be a major threat to human health and the environment. The capability of lead to accumulate in the human body leads to a wide range of threats to the neurological and physical development of humans. Knowledge of the phase equilibria involved in the solder-component alloy systems is crucial in the design of new soldering materials. This knowledge is particularly important to move away from an expensive and time-consuming method by "trial & error" applied often when searching for an appropriate material.
Also ternary systems important as filler materials for brazing in various applications are included in this volume.

The system reports have a standard format, allowing easy access to the required data.

The following information is provided:
- liquidus projections,
- isothermal and vertical sections,
- quasibinary sections,
- reaction schemes,
- invariant equilibria,
- crystallographic data,
- thermodynamic data and materials properties,
- accompanied by short descriptive texts and extensive references.


