Janes Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles - Tracked Yearbook 2024-2025, ジェーン年鑑 - 陸上戦闘兵器年鑑: 装甲戦闘車両(装軌車両)編, 9780710634535, 978-0-7106-3453-5
Janes Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles - Tracked Yearbook 2024-2025【見積商品】
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Understand land threats and maintain capability
These yearbooks delivers profiles of tracked and wheeled armoured fighting vehicles, both in development and under production worldwide. Technical information helps military and security organisations develop and maintain land combat capability advantage, and A&D businesses benefit from land warfare market intelligence.
Janes Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles helps you:
- Evaluate competitors, partners, and acquisition targets
- Conduct industry market research
- Assess technologies and capabilities
- Model land-based threat scenarios
- Discover sales opportunities
Profiles of 350+ land warfare platforms under development in 60+ countries, cover:
- Detailed specification, variant, and development details
- Descriptions
- Programme status
- Photographs and diagrams
- Suppliers and manufacturers