Janes Weapons: Naval Yearbook, 2024-2025, ジェーン年鑑 - 兵器システム年鑑: 艦艇用装備兵器編, 9780710634412, 978-0-7106-3441-2
※システムの仕様上、価格が0円となっております。販売価格に関しては 個別にお見積もりが必要でございますので別途お問合せ下さい。
Drive critical naval weapons decisions
Comprehensive reference coverage of naval weapons in development, in production and in service with naval forces worldwide. Military and security organisations benefit from technical insights into the capabilities of navy weapons, while industry customers find the product invaluable for competitor analysis and business development.
Janes Weapons: Naval helps you:
- Conduct technology benchmarking
- Identify naval weapon suppliers
- Evaluate competitors, partners and acquisition targets
- Build Maritime threat scenarios
- Discover sales and upgrade opportunities
What's included:
- 407 records in total
- More than 350 records have been restructured and updated
- 10 new records including the Russian ET-1E heavyweight torpedo.