European Pharmacopoeia 10th Edition10.6-10.8 書籍版ISBN: 9789287186867

欧州(EU ヨーロッパ)薬局方 European Pharmacopoeia 10th Edition (補遺10.6-補遺10.8) 書籍版ISBN: 9789287186867

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欧州(EU ヨーロッパ)薬局方 European Pharmacopoeia 10th Edition (補遺10.6-補遺10.8) 書籍版ISBN: 9789287186867





European Pharmacopoeia 10th Edition10.6-10.8
欧州薬局方 第10版10.6-10.8
発行元 EDQM
発行年/月 10.6 (2021年7月) 10.7 (2021年10月) 10.8 (2022年1月)
装丁 ハードカバー
ISBN 9789287186867
ご請求方法について 補遺10.6納品時にご請求とさせて頂きます
発送予定 1-2営業日以内に発送致します


◆Why you need the European Pharmacopoeia
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is a single reference work for the quality control of medicines. The official standards it contains provide a scientific basis for quality control during the entire life cycle of a product.
These standards are legally binding - as laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia and in EU and national pharmaceutical legislation. Ph. Eur. quality standards become mandatory on the same date in all States Parties to the convention.

◆The 10th Edition at a glance
- Legally binding in 39 European countries and applied in more than 120 countries worldwide.
- Provides new and revised texts.
- Delivers crucial information for European markets earlier than any other Pharmacopoeia.
- The 10th Edition (initial release plus supplements 10.1 and 10.2) contains 2 426 monographs, 372 general texts (including general monographs and methods of analysis) and around 2 780 descriptions of reagents.
