World Rail Market Study 2024: Forecast 2024 to 2029, UNIFE 世界鉄道市場調査: 2024-2029, 9783968922348, 978-3-9689223-4-8
UNIFE World Rail Market Studyは世界の鉄道業界において有力な出版物であり、Bain & Companyの協力を得て作成された本調査では、世界の鉄道輸送量の99%を占める66カ国と、インフラ、鉄道制御、車両、サービス、ターンキー管理を含む鉄道供給バリューチェーン全体を調査している。
The 10th edition of the UNIFE World Rail Market Study offers a detailed analysis of the current state and development of the global rail supply market.
Prepared with the support of Bain & Company, the study examines 66 countries which account for 99% of global rail traffic and the full rail supply value chain, including infrastructure, rail control, rolling stock, services, and turnkey management. Data for countries which are not part of the focus group have been extrapolated on the basis of passengerkilometres, tonne-kilometres, and transportation units for light rail vehicles (LRVs) and metros.
The rail supply market has experienced robust growth in recent years, and has a positive outlook until the end of the decade. Between 2021-2023 and 2027-2029, the global market is expected to grow by 3.0% annually in real terms. By the end of this period, the average market size is expected to reach EUR 240.8 bn (excluding price increases related to inflation). The forecast is based on over 10,000 future rail project orders, including greenfield investments, replacements, and modernisation projects. The orders are aggregated and presented on region and segment level.