Power Harvesting via Smart Materials, スマートマテリアルによるパワーハーベスティング, 9781510608498, 978-1-5106-0849-8

Power Harvesting via Smart Materials

学術書籍  >  理工学  >  電気電子工学  > 

Power Harvesting via Smart Materials




Power Harvesting via Smart Materials
スマートマテリアルによる パワーハーベスティング
著者・編者 Batra, A.K. & Alomari, A.
発行元 SPIE
発行年/月 2017年7月   
装丁 Softcover
ページ数 306 ページ
ISBN 978-1-5106-0849-8
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 3-5週間以内に発送します


This monograph covers the fundamentals, fabrication, testing, and modeling of ambient energy harvesters based on three main streams of energy-harvesting mechanisms: piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, and pyroelectrics. It addresses their commercial and biomedical applications, as well as the latest research results. Graduate students, scientists, engineers, researchers, and those new to the field will find this book a handy and crucial reference because it provides a comprehensive perspective on the basic concepts and recent developments in this rapidly expanding field.


1 Ambient Energy Sources: Mechanical, Light, and Thermal
2 Fundamentals of Ferroelectric Materials
3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
4 Parametric Identification and Measurement Techniques for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters
5 Theoretical Background of Mechanical Energy Conversion
6 Techniques for Enhancing Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting Efficiency
7 Piezoelectric Power-Harvesting Devices
8 Ferroelectric Energy Harvesting
9 Processing Important Piezoelectric Materials
10 Future Directions and Outlook
Appendix: MATLAB Codes