Metal Matrix Composites (Composite Materials Handbook Volume 4),金属マトリックス複合材料 (複合材料ハンドブック, 第4巻), 9780768078145, 978-0-7680-7814-5

Metal Matrix Composites (Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 4)

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Metal Matrix Composites (Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 4)





Metal Matrix Composites (Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 4)
金属マトリックス複合材料 (複合材料ハンドブック, 第4巻)
発行元 SAE International
発行年/月 2013年9月   
装丁 Softcover
ページ数 450 ページ
ISBN 978-0-7680-7814-5
発送予定 1-2営業日以内に発送します


The fourth volume of this six-volume compendium includes properties on metal matrix composite material systems for which data meeting the specific requirements of the handbook are available. In addition, it provides selected guidance on other technical topics related to this class of composites, including material selection, material specification, processing, characterization testing, data reduction, design, analysis, quality control, and repair of typical metal matrix composite materials.

The Composite Materials Handbook, referred to by industry groups as CMH-17, is a six-volume engineering reference tool that contains over 1,000 records of the latest test data for polymer matrix, metal matrix, ceramic matrix, and structural sandwich composites. CMH-17 provides information and guidance necessary to design and fabricate end items from composite materials. It includes properties of composite materials that meet specific data requirements as well as guidelines for design, analysis, material selection, manufacturing, quality control, and repair.

The primary purpose of the handbook is to standardize engineering methodologies related to testing, data reduction, and reporting of property data for current and emerging composite materials. It is used by engineers worldwide in designing and fabricating products made from composite materials.
